$50 steam gift card

How Much Is $50 Steam Gift Card In Naira (February 7, 2025)

Do you want to sell your steam gift card?

Here on GiftCardstoNaira, we offer the best rate in the market.

The Price for a $50 Steam Gift Card as of today is #73,000 Naira and $100 Steam Gift Card is #135,000 Naira.

The rates can go higher than this depending on the market demand.

Below is a list of steam gift cards and their rates.

Steam Gift Cards Rates In Nigeria Today – February 7, 2025

Steam Gift Cards Rates in Naira
USA $10 – $500 1350/Dollar
USA Ecode $10 – $500 1300/Dollar
CAD $10 – $500 950/Dollar
AUD $10 -$500 900/Dollar
EUR 10 -500 1300/Euro
UK 10 – 500 1400/Pound
NZD 10 – 500 800/Dollar
UK Ecode 10 – 500 1350/Pound
EUR Ecode 10 – 500 1250/Euro
CHF $10 – $500 1250/Dollar

From the list above, you can see that the UK steam gift card has the highest rate in the market now.

You can sell £100 for around #135,000 – #140,000 here on Giftcardstonaira.

However, you can also sell other gift cards here on our platform like;

  • iTunes, Footlocker, GooglePlay, Visa,
  • Amazon, Sephora, Nordstrom,
  • Walmart, Nike, Amex, Offgamers,
  • eBay, Netspend, Walmart Visa,
  • Roblox, Macy, Vanilla, Target etc.

To know the current rate of each gift card above, Use our gift card rate calculator to find out the best gift card rate in Nigeria.

Click on the button below to start trading all your gift cards now.


GIFTCARDSTONAIRA is a registered gift card trading company established in 2017 dedicated to providing world-class trading experience to people in Nigeria and Ghana.

Integrity, dedication and excellence in value have been the pillars to which our company hinges its practices and policies on.

Get started now on our platform and exchange all your gift cards at the highest rates.

You get to enjoy Peace of Mind when you trade with us today.

Happy Trading!


Also Read: How to get Free Gift Cards


  1. Sandra joy Linda

    Very interesting but I will like to trade with your company vendor on WhatsApp……. So how can I sell my card on WhatsApp with you

  2. Fidelix

    I want a good vendor please for Nigeria

    • admin

      Hi Fidelix, welcome to our platform.

      GiftcardstoNaira is a good vendor and we are the best gift cards vendor in Nigeria now.

      You can proceed to trade your gift cards right away.

    • admin

      Hi Chima, welcome!

      You can sell your Google play cards on our platform here and get paid in Cash or Cedis.

      Visit our website or download our Mobile App, upload your card with the fresh receipt and start trading.

  3. Young

    I want to trade Australia steam card

  4. Dawhite

    Do you buy Mexico apple gift card and Turkey steam gift card?

  5. Daramola oluwafemi

    I went to trade Dubai gift card steam.

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