We need more info to redeem

[SOLVED] How To Fix ‘We Need More Info To Redeem’ Error of Google Play Gift Card

This article was Updated as of March 2025; Google Play Gift Card is now Working and Available on GiftCardsToNaira Platform.

Learn How to fix ‘We need more info to Redeem‘ Error of Google Play Gift Card.

It’s annoying when your Google play gift card shows this error message (We need more info to redeem) whenever you want to redeem it.

This happens mostly with the American (USA) Google Play Gift Cards.

You don’t need to worry again as this page is your final bus top.

Be rest assured; We have the best solution you need right on this page.

Fix Gift Card Error “We Need More Info to Redeem Your Gift Card; Send us Details.”

Before you learn How to fix ‘We need more info to Redeem’ Error of Google Play Gift Card.

First, try redeeming the gift card on your mobile device (Androids only).

  1. Open the Google Play app on your Android device .
  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  3. Tap Payments & subscriptions, then click Redeem gift code.
  4. Enter the code.
  5. Tap Redeem.

Now, if you are still getting the “We need more info to redeem” error, Do this: It’s very simple.

You only need to contact Google by sending your details, which include the full details of your card.

Quickly fill out the form on this page here and wait for it to be reviewed.

Only Google play support can help you to resolve this problem so ‘contact them here

If you want a high rate and secured trading on your Google play gift card or any gift card;

Quickly visit our website or download our mobile app on ‘Google Playstore or Apple App Store‘.

We buy all gift cards instantly in exchange for Naira or Cedis.

You can always redeem or sell your gift cards for cash on our platform by creating account, then login and sell your Gift Cards easily.

How To Trade Gift Cards On GiftCardsToNaira App

To trade with GiftcardstoNaira App, quickly download our mobile app here, create account, login and setup your account.

You can also trade or contact us directly on WhatsApp at (+234 705 837 2518).

For quick and fast selling of your gift cards, always trade your gift cards directly from our mobile App.

Here is the step-by-step Guide on How to exchange/sell your gift cards for cash on GiftcardstoNaira mobile app.

  1. Download the GiftcardstoNaira Mobile App from Google Play Store or Apple Play Store.
  2. Create an account and “Sign Up,” then “Login.”
  3. Navigate to “Wallet” and click on “Add new account” to add your bank details.
  4. Go to “Dashboard” and click on “Sell Gift Card” to Submit your gift card.
  5. Wait for 2 minutes or less for the card to be Confirmed.
  6. After Confirmation, check your Wallet for your cash.
  7. Then, Withdraw to your direct Bank Account instantly.

Google Play Gift Card Now Working (March 2025 Updated)

We need more info to redeem your gift card

Google Play USA Card is now Available on our Platform, both on the Website and our Mobile App.

GiftCardsToNaira is now buying USA Google Play Gift Cards at an amazing rate.

You can sell your (American) U.S. Google Play Cards and get instant Cash Payment in Naira or Cedis.

However, make sure to include a clear receipt image when uploading your card for trades on the web/app.

Note: Gift Cards with “WE NEED MORE INFO ERROR” are not accepted on the platform.

You can trade only the Google Play Physical gift cards and Ecodes on our platform.

If you got a USA Google Play Card with a Clear RECEIPT image, quickly trade them on our platform right away and get paid instantly. No audio money – fast transactions and payout. 

Google Play Gift Cards Prices In Nigeria Today – March 30, 2025

Below is the list of Google Play cards and their rates/prices in Nigeria as of today March 30, 2025.

You can also check the current rates of other gift cards using our Giftcard Rates Calculator.

Google Play Gift Cards Rate in Naira per 100
USA ($10 – 500) #100,000 Naira
USA Ecode ($10 – 500) #95,000 Naira
EUR (€15 – 500) #85,000 Naira
EUR Ecode (€15 – 500) #80,000 Naira
UK (£15 – 500) #85,000 Naira
UK Ecode (£15 – 500) #80,000 Naira
CHF (25 – 500) #85,000 Naira
CHF Ecode (25 – 500) #80,000 Naira
CAD ($25 – 500) #60,000 Naira


This is the best way to Redeem your Card by learning How to fix ‘We need more info to Redeem‘ Error of Google Play Gift Card.

With the above guide, you can fix the Google Play Card “Error” anytime, any day.

Remember to always choose our platform GiftCardsToNaira (GCTN) and Enjoy Instant Payout at the Best Market Rates.



Also Read:


  1. Clexss

    My card was show up need more info over 135 dollar

    • admin

      Hi Clexss, kindly follow the steps in this guide to fix the error.

  2. Lajeana

    My Google Play card is telling me it needs more information

    • admin

      Hi Lajeana, kindly follow the steps in this guide so you can fix the error of the card saying (It needs more info).

  3. Kingsley

    My google play card saying need more information redeem my gift card $75 what should I do I need a solution to it now please

    • admin

      Hi Kingsley, kindly follow the steps on this guide to redeem your google play giftcard.
      However, you can as well sell the card on our platform here and get instant cash payment.

  4. Godsent

    My Google play card is showing me we need more info how do I solve it

    • admin

      Hi Godsent, kindly follow the steps on this guide to redeem your google play giftcard.
      However, you can as well sell the card on our website here (https://giftcardstonaira.com) and get instant cash payment.

  5. Oluwaseun

    Google play app is not available in Nigeria how can I sign in with my Nigeria number

  6. Oluwaseun

    I have $300 Google play card card showing need more information please who can redeem the card for me

    • admin

      Hi Oluwaseun, kindly follow the steps on this guide to redeem your google play giftcard.
      However, you can as well redeem or sell the card on our website here (https://giftcardstonaira.com) and get instant cash payment.

  7. Osas

    Hello pls I have a google play card telling me it’s need more info when I tried to reeedem it pls can I sell the card on your platform ?

    • admin

      Hi Osas! Yes, you can sell the card here on our platform.
      Visit our website here (https://giftcardstonaira.com) to create account, login and sell your card. We are always available and ready to buy from you.

  8. Bagh boii

    I have $150 google play gift card showing need more information pls who can reedem the card for me

    • admin

      Hello Bagh Boii, kindly follow the steps on this guide to redeem your Google Play Gift card by contacting Google.
      However, you can as well redeem or sell the card on our website here (https://giftcardstonaira.com) and get instant cash payment.

  9. Ayoola

    My card is showing we need more info to redeem

  10. Gracious

    I have already fill out the form. I uploaded both the front and the back of the card and receipt yet i have an email saying my gift card is not eligible for appeal

    • admin

      Hi Gracious; Kindly confirm that your details was correct. If so then follow the process and try again.

  11. Onyems

    I’ve filled the form and still waiting . How long does it take for them to fix the erro of “we need more info to redeem your card”

    • admin

      Hi Onyems, the error will be fixed immediately afterwards.
      Kindly be patient as they’ll respond to you as soon as possible.

  12. John

    Hello I need help my card shows need more info to redeem code

  13. Onyem

    My card was showing need more info to redeem , I submitted all the required details and they got back to me saying that the gift card is not eligible to appeal .. what’s the cause of this wahala again ?

    • admin

      Hi Onyem, sorry about that.

      Recently we received an info that there’s an issue with Google Play cards, they’re experiencing a technical problem. Hence, you can try again later.

      Yes! It’s save to say you can avoid Google Play gift cards for now. Thank you.

  14. Foster

    Mine is showing need more information .. and your site also rejected it

    • admin

      Hi Foster,

      Google Play gift cards is experiencing a little technical issue, hence redeeming of Google play cards is on hold.

      You can try again later, for now you can trade and sell all other type of gift cards on the platform. Thanks.

  15. Dolapo

    What’sup with google play card now , can we redeem?

    • admin

      Hi Dolapo, Google play card is having a little issue for now, redeeming is on hold too.
      You can try again later and keep in check with this platform as for when this issue would be resolved.

  16. Jude

    Hi Admin, Is there any hope of getting our cards back during this technical issue?
    Does it mean the cards will eventually work after the technical issue?
    Also, can you notify us on your website when this issue is resolved?

    • admin

      Hi Jude, welcome and sorry for the inconveniences you’re experiencing with Google play cards.

      Yes, there’s hope of getting your cards back and everything working normal after the issue is resolved.

      Also, keep in check with us here on this platform to get update on when this issue is resolved, thank you!

  17. C4

    My Google play showing more Information is needed, your platform rejected it also.

    • admin

      Hi, sorry for the inconveniences.

      Google Play gift cards is experiencing a little technical issue, hence redeeming of Google play cards is on hold.

      You can try again later, for now you can trade and sell all other type of gift cards on the platform. Thanks.

  18. Mike

    Can I still sell my card to you after it’ write card info

  19. Don bright

    Please I want to trade $35 Google card that keep saying an information card

  20. Don bright

    Please I wish someone can help me with that

  21. Micheal

    How long does it take I submitted the card front and back with the code how long does it takes and how will they contact me

    • admin

      Hi Micheal, it doesn’t take too long and you’ll get feedback Soon!

  22. Akin

    Please sir my google play card told me see need more info what can I do please

  23. Stephan

    What’s up with google play card it keeps on telling me more info needed what do I do

    • admin

      Hi Stephan, kindly follow the steps in this guide to fix the issue.

  24. Mr Bankz

    i have a $450 google play card showing error i just get them now and ask the client to go back to the store they refuse to change it can you assist me on this please

    • admin

      Hi Mr Bankz, kindly follow the process in this guide to submit your card and fix the error.
      However, you can also trade the gift card on our platform here and get paid instantly.

  25. Tundey

    I trade my google play card 100$ with you and it was rejected ??

    • admin

      Hi Tundey, sorry about this! Google play cards are having some issues yet to be fixed.
      Hence, Trading of Google Play Gift cards is currently on Hold, you can try again later!

  26. Tundey

    Can I withdraw my money if i redeem my google play card on google play store??

    • admin

      Yes, you can withdraw once the card error issue is fixed and resolved.

  27. Zainny

    Can redeem google play need more info or still having issue?

    • admin

      Hi Zainny, the Google Play card issue is yet to be resolved.
      You can’t redeem for now, try again later.

  28. Zainny

    Do you now redeem “need more info” google play card?

  29. Akin Pelumi

    My google play requires for more information

    • admin

      Hi Akin, sorry about that.
      Currently, Google play cards are yet to resolve this issue. Kindly try again later!

  30. Ogodo ovoke good

    My goggle card is showing need more information

    • admin

      Hi Ogodo, sorry about that.
      Currently, Google play cards are yet to resolve this issue. Kindly try again later!

  31. Mikolo

    Is it certain that google will sovle this card information issue

  32. Vinayak Sharan

    I had followed all steps I submitted the form but I m not getting any help from. Google play please help

    • admin

      Hello Sharan, sorry about the issues with Google Play card.
      We understand that you’re not getting any help, this issue is yet to be resolved by Google. Kindly try again later.

  33. Magnus

    Please when will they resolve google play card issues
    Because I have card with me and I can’t redeem for now

    • admin

      Hello Magnus, Google Play gift card issues is yet to be resolved.
      We are patiently waiting and hoping this would be resolved as soon as possible.

  34. Emmanuel

    After I get to redeem my information card on google play store I do I get my money off the app or it will still be on the card

    • admin

      Your money still remains in the card, hence you can exchange or sell it for Cash here on our platform.
      You can quickly trade your card via our website (https://giftcardstonaira.com/) or using our mobile app.

  35. Emmanuel

    I was trying to redeem the card on my android phone via play store app and play store says I can’t redeem the card, that the card can only be redeemed in the USA. And they said terms and conditions applied and I should click more.

    • admin

      Hi Emmanuel, sorry about that!
      Currently, USA Google Play gift cards are not redeemable and doesn’t function yet.
      However, you can trade and redeem all other countries Google play cards on our platform.

  36. Innocent

    Please I have some American Google cards, but I have been following this platform and I understand that Google has some issues redeeming their cards for now. Can I still trade the cards here and get paid through your platform ?

    • admin

      Hi Innocent, welcome to our platform.

      Currently, American (USA) Google cards is not working, issue is yet to be resolved by Google.

      You can trade other country Google Play cards as well as all other type of gift cards and get paid instantly.

  37. Adysmart

    I have 280 pounds of google card but it’s writing need more infor to redeem , I’ve already sent message to the support team but it’s the the same and I need some cash what can I do admin to trade this card

    • admin

      Hi Adysmart, sorry about this.

      Redeeming and trading of USA Google play gift cards is on-hold now.

      You can trade/sell your UK (pounds) Google Play card on our platform here (https://giftcardstonaira.com/) and get instant cash payment.

  38. Innocent

    Is it true that Google cards works, but It won’t be traded for money anymore ?

    • admin

      Hi Innocent, Yes! American (USA) Google cards is currently not working.
      And also you can’t trade, sell or exchange it for money at the moment.

  39. Innocent

    Is there any hope that USA google Cards will work as normal again ?

    • admin

      Hi Innocent; This we can’t tell for now as the issue is yet to be fixed by Google.

      We are hopeful that the card issue will be resolved soon and the USA Google Play cards will start working again.

      However, we will provide an update across our platform channels once the card starts working, download our app and keep in touch with this platform.

  40. Innocent

    Good Morning, Sir.. I got a notification few minutes ago that USA Google Play Card is Available or Tradable. Is it true ?

    • admin

      Hi Innocent, Yes! Trading of USA Google Play Gift Card is now Available.

      USA Google Play Gift Card is working now, we are now buying it. However, you must include a clear fresh receipt image of the card.

      Head over or Download our Mobile App Now, upload your fresh receipt and start trading. Enjoy!

  41. Emmanuel

    My Google play card won’t get activated via play store can I send to you and help me activate it and credit when you then redeem it I have 200$ 100$ USA and $100 Canada, okay boss.

  42. Mikolo

    Hello I can’t find where to upload the USA google play card I only saw other currency how do I go about it

    • admin

      Hi Mikolo, sorry about this.
      Trading of USA Google Play cards is still on-hold for now.

  43. Mikolo

    I got a notification that USA google play iwill be available in 24hours how true is this or your app dey lie for us ni cos I don’t understand

    • admin

      Hi Mikolo, Yes! Trading of USA Google Play Gift Card is now Available.

      However, you must provide a clear fresh receipt image of the card.

      Get to upload your fresh card receipt and start trading. Enjoy!

  44. Renee

    I have$80 worth says need more information I’m in Australia very frustrating

    • admin

      Hi Renee, sorry about that.
      You can trade and exchange your $80 gift card here on our platform and get paid in Naira or Cedis.

  45. Olaniyan Adedeji

    I have 50€ google play card and said I need more info to redeem the card why???

    • admin

      Hello Olaniyan, you can trade your 50€ google play card on our website or mobile app and get instant cash payment.

  46. Deji Ayo

    My 200$ Google play card said we need more info to redeem this card and what can I do please advice

    • admin

      Hi Deji, you can exchange your Google Play card here on our platform and get instant cash payment.

  47. Dammy

    I have 100£ google information card I want to trade

    • admin

      Hi Dammy, You can trade your 100£ google play card here on our Platform and get paid instantly.

  48. Jude

    Hi Admin, Is Google play USA cards safe to buy now? Or are we still going to encounter that error?

    • admin

      Hello Jude,

      Yes, trading of Google Play USA Cards is available now.

      We are now buying USA Google Play cards with Fresh receipts for the card.

  49. Olorunwa

    Hello, I have $600 google play card and is displaying need more information to redeem, any hope?

    • admin

      Hi Olorunwa, yes you redeem/exchange your $600 Google Play card here on Giftcardstonaira.com and get cash payment in Naira or Cedis.

  50. Sam

    Will I get the error message if I buy USA Google play cards now? Or has it been fixed?

    • admin

      Hello Sam,

      The USA Google Play cards error has been partially fixed, however we now buy the US Google cards with fresh receipts not older than 4 days.

  51. Mk Castle

    I receive an ecode uk google card ,,but having issues in redeeming the card ,,keep telling me I need more info

    • admin

      Hi, kindly try again later.
      Also, you can exchange your ecode UK Google card on this platform and get paid.

    • admin

      You will get a feedback soon, once your request is received and considered.

  52. Haider

    That redeem code is not working more info problem how can solve this

    • admin

      Hi, keep trying again later following the tips on this guide.
      Also, you can now trade your USA Google Play cards on our platform.

  53. Hannah

    Can I still trade a google play card that’s locked? It says the balance is still intact but can’t be redeemed.

    • admin

      Hello Hannah, make sure to trade Google play cards with only Fresh receipts not older than 4 days.

  54. Uchegbu wisdom

    Please I have $200 Google play say need more information

    • admin

      Hi Wisdom, sorry about this, kindly try again.
      However, you can trade your card for cash and make sure to provide a fresh receipt for the card.

  55. Samson etakewen

    I have 100 aud Google play card was rejected on your app it says need more information.

  56. Lukas

    I got a Google Play card as a gift but can not redeem it. It says that more info is needed, but I don’t have the receipt and I received it over two months ago. What steps should I take?

    • admin

      Hi Lukas, welcome and sorry about that.

      You can trade all your Google Play cards here on our platform and get instant cash payment.

      However, we accept Google play cards with the receipts. (Fresh Receipts).

      Register here or download our app and trade your Google Play cards and all other Gift cards.


  57. Emily wood

    My google play card is telling me need more information to redeem what’s wrong?

    • admin

      Hi Emily, you can sell/exchange your Google Play Card here on our platform and get paid.

  58. Harris Mathew

    My Google card is information card why

  59. Rachael

    I have brought 4 of the google play cards and it says need more information on them

  60. Rachael

    When will this issue be fixed saying that needs more information

    • admin

      Hi Rachael, welcome and sorry about this issue. Google is yet to fix this permanently.

      However, you can sell your Google play cards on our platform here and get paid in Cash or Cedis.

      Visit our website or download our Mobile App, upload your card with the fresh receipt and start trading.

  61. Joseph

    My Google play cards keeps telling me more information needed

    • admin

      Hi Joseph, sorry about that. You can try again later!
      Also, you can exchange your cards on our platform and get cash payment instantly.

  62. Emmanuel

    My Google play card says need more info to redeem

    • admin

      Hi Emmanuel,
      If you have the FRESH Receipt of the card, you can exchange it for Cash here on our platform.

  63. Bolex

    How to redeem more information I have everything

  64. I’m N’vestor

    Can I send my google play to you $100 and you’ll do it for me

    • admin

      Hi there,

      We only exchange gift cards for cash on our platform.

      You can follow the steps in this guide carefully to get it resolved.

  65. Oluwatobi

    Please I have Google play 15€ two they have more information Please help me to redeem it

  66. Elpidio

    I have a 10 doller gift card and it said we need more info to redeem can you please help

  67. Martin's

    Is Google play card from Italy working now

  68. Raetanna Wilson

    I’ve followed the above guidelines and forms. How long will it take to fix this issue.

  69. Oladapo ridwan

    Am having a problem on Google card saying information card

  70. Olatunde

    I have Google play worth of 100 but need more information to get it redeemed

  71. Marissa Meidinger

    Has anyone ever been successful getting their gift card redeemed? I also got the error for 2 different gift cards saying more information is needed. I submitted all required information. And received an email saying “no eligible for appeal” when I context customer support they tell me to submit all the documents again for both cards. How many times do I do this? Do they have any intention of redeeming my cards? Seems like Google is scamming all of us right now. Just wondering if anyone has actually gotten their gift card redeemed if following the steps.

    • admin

      Hello Marissa, sorry for the error and inconveniences!

      Yes, Google play gift cards has long been having issues while trying to redeem.

      However, if your gift cards are still fresh with the receipts still available, you can easily redeem and exchange them for Cash here on our platform.

  72. Blackie

    Hello my $200 card is showing we need more information to get it redeemed.. is there a way I can sell it off ?

    • admin

      Hi Blackie, welcome!

      Yes, you can sell your $200 card directly here on our platform and get instant Cash payment.

      Quickly download our app here, create your account and login then you can trade your gift card easily.

  73. Drayson

    How does the process take once you send the info and details.

    • admin

      Hi Drayson, after sending your details, you’ll wait as to get a feedback from them.
      Kindly follow the process carefully on this page to submit your details. Thank you!

  74. Sammy

    Hello admin, already followed the steps and what’s next sir, that $50 I really need it pls.

    • admin

      Hi Sammy, kindly wait for few hours as you’ll get a feedback from Google soon.
      However, if you need Cash, you can easily exchange your card with us and get instant payment in Cash.

  75. Pizzu

    My card is saying more information needed.

    • admin

      Hi Pizzu, follow the guide on this page to redeem your gift card.

  76. Dawn Melchionno

    Yea this did not work for me I filed out the forms 12 times every time I get gift card isn’t eligible for appeal and I talked to target where I bought the Google play gift card from the target app it is loaded and activated but I can not redeem it I get needs more info fill of form and get gift card isn’t eligible for appeal worst part I bought it on Christmas night and google robbed me for $200 because they are blocking me from redeeming my own money on Google play gift card I’ve talked to people and no help very frustrated and nothing target can do because they already paid google play.

    • admin

      Hello Dawn, so sorry about this!

      Yes, Redeeming Google Play gift card via the above guide is the best thing for you. If you’re yet to get a response from Google after filling the form, I will suggest you wait and give it time. You’ll surely get a feedback.

      However, if you wish to sell your gift card for cash, you can go ahead and do so instantly here on our platform. Thank you!

  77. BOJ

    After they reviewed the report or case that I emailed them with the form. I hope it’s real and not spamming!!! Will I go ahead and redeem it again or it will be automatically added to the gmail I used to create the request/ticket complained!!

    • admin

      Hi BOJ, welcome!

      Yes after the review from Google, you’ll get a feedback on what to do and how you can redeem your card.

  78. Johnathan crouch

    mine was a gift and i dont know ware she got it from what do i do

    • admin

      Hi Johnathan, you can follow the steps on our guide here to redeem your gift card.

  79. Shahid

    Hi there, I got google gift card I redeem it it says need more information I send them details pictures of receipt and they says we can’t help you with redeeming this gift card. This is not technical issue you won’t be able to redeem this card even if technical issue is fixed. Google is trying to scam us by saying it is a technical issue. Google thinks it’s easy for us to make this many, Wasted 100$ AU. I’ve gone to the place where I bought it with the receipt and gift card but the receipt says google play gift card is being active and it’s unrefundable. Such a scam for millions of people. Google we will never forget that. Why is the app just for Nigeria and ghana?

    • admin

      Hello Shahid, welcome and thanks for your comment. So yeah, Google has some issues with their gift cards and hence redeeming has been difficult sometimes.

      However, we encourage and recommend exchanging your gift cards for Cash here on our platform and get Naira/Cedis. You can easily do that following the above guide and you’ll be glad you did.

      Yes, for now we offer gift card exchanges/payments in Africa (Nigeria and Ghana) only.

  80. Ben

    So you buy google cards with more information error?

    • admin

      Hi Ben, Yes you can sell your Google cards right here on our platform.

  81. Bright

    My 100 dollar google play card is saying need more information

  82. Emmanuel Henry

    $100 info card please how can i fixed it

    • admin

      Hi Emmanuel, you can fix this by following the steps and guide above.
      Also, you can exchange or sell your $100 card here on our platform and get paid in Cash.

  83. Sagar sapkota

    How to sell play cards here in this website please reply I am also having same problem with 25$ play card as others above

    • admin

      Hello Sagar,
      You can quickly sell your Google play cards here on our platform by signing up on our website or downloading our mobile app which is faster.

  84. Ilesanmi

    I bought a Google play card now, I want to redeem it, but it’s telling me that I need more information to redeem this card. WHY?

    • admin

      Hello Ilesanmi, sorry about that.

      Kindly follow the above guide in this article to contact Google and submit your card details then you’ll get a feedback.

      Hence, you can redeem and exchange the card for Cash here on our platform and get paid instantly. Thank you!

  85. Teresa

    Hello do I sell my card to you people I need your WhatsApp number or something I have 2 $25 goggle card saying I need more information, I’m tired of this shit.

    • admin

      Hi Teresa, Yes you can sell your Google cards here on our platform for Instant Cash.

      Quickly visit our website or download our mobile app to start selling your card immediately.

  86. Sabastian

    Hi, my $100 gift card is showing that I need more information, what can I do??

  87. Dotman

    I tried trading my google gift card on your app but it was rejected

    • admin

      Hi, kindly check if your Google card does not have the need more info error.
      Then you can try trading again on the app. Thank You!

  88. Dotman

    The google have the need of more information error and I don’t know what to do now.

    • admin

      Hi, Sorry for that.
      You can quickly contact Google by following the link in the guide above.

  89. Tomeka D Johnson

    My google play gift card is saying need more info to redeem the card. Please help me with this issue!

    • admin

      Hi Johnson,
      Kindly follow the steps in the guide above to solve this issue.

  90. Danny

    Do you guys accept crypto as payment method.?
    And I’ve been trading giftcards on BuySellVouchers.com and I’ve been looking for a marketplace with lower fees
    What is your discount on bulk purchases when I purchase from Giftcardstonaira app?

    • admin

      Hi Danny, we don’t accept or use crypto as payment method.

      Also, we accept bulk gift cards if you want to sell or trade in bulk.

      You can quickly sell your bulk gift cards at the highest rates directly on our app.

  91. Emmanuel

    I have Google card of $200 say need more information please what can I do

    • admin

      Hi Emmanuel, kindly follow the steps and instructions on the guide above to resolve this.

  92. Emmanuel

    Yes I already did that.
    Even I downloaded your app and the issue isn’t fixed

    • admin

      Hi Emmanuel, sorry about that.
      You can try again later, hopefully it get’s fixed soon!

  93. Josh piper

    I have been having this issue with my gift card saying we need more information to redeem your gift card…who can help me redeem my google play card?

  94. Victortemiloluwa

    My google card keep asking me for more info of the card, why is that happening?

    • Admin

      Hi Victor, sorry about that.
      You can follow the above guide to contact Google and it’ll be resolved soon.

  95. TooTactKid

    So I filled out the form did every step on said on the website page which I appreciate because I was having a hard time and this made it easier, the real question is how long am I supposed to wait exactly, will this take shorter than 3 days?

    • Admin

      Hi, kindly wait for some time and you’ll surely get a feedback from Google soon. Thank you!

  96. Tony

    Please I don’t have the picture of my card but I have the code,, but I’d not going through why?

    • Admin

      Hi Tony, if it’s a physical card the picture will be required. Thank you!

  97. ICE

    I submitted a case it’s now a day plus and yet nothing is done all i see is in progress how many days will it take to resolve this?

  98. Famuyiwa Olamilekan

    Please I need your help I have $50 usa google card showing more information and Australia card 200$ showing more information, how can you help me out?

  99. Betty linda

    Hello how can I redeem my 25$ google play card showing more information to redeem the card how can I help it out?

  100. Makinde Joshua

    USA country is not available for Google play card on Giftscardtonaira.

    • Admin

      Hi Joshua

      The USA Google Play card is on-hold because of the error issue yet to be fixed by Google.

      Immediately this issue is resolved, we’ll resume trading of the Google Play gift cards. Thank you!

  101. Mrfaith

    How’s the Google play card now hope the issue have resolved??

  102. Rex

    My Google play card isn’t working.

  103. Damian

    My Google play card is telling me we need more information.

    • Admin

      Hi, quickly follow the steps on the above guide and you’ll fix it.

  104. Wisdom

    My two pieces of 200€ Google play gift card is having this same issue of information card.

    • Admin

      Hi Wisdom, kindly follow the process on the guide above to fix that.

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